Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas Thoughts

Well, it is the time of year that we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This time of year always makes me ponder what gift I could give Him and our Heavenly Father. I try to be more giving, more loving, more understanding, but sometimes fall short of that goal. This coming year I plan to attend the temple more often and to look for more ways to help others. As turmoil develops more and more in our world, I realize even more how much we need to recognize how much we need the help of our Father in Heaven and his Son. It seems that people don't believe in them so much anymore or the things that they have taught us. The commandments don't seem to relate to us; people say the scriptures were written for another people and another time. I believe they were written for ALL people in ALL times. The world has drifted away from God's word and His laws. Look at the evil in the world. Prophecy tells us it would be like this. The Last Days are upon us. Modern day prophets tell us that the world today is worse than Sodom and Gomorrah. I believe it, and that scares me.
May we all remember the reason we celebrate this season, and may we all remember the things that Jesus taught us about being kind and loving to one another.

Christmas Concert

Don and I went to Salt Lake City on Dec 2nd to see The Osmonds 2nd Generation Family Christmas Show. It was a great show filled with holiday fun! Their dad, Alan, was in the audience. They had a special surprise guest...David Archuleta(did I spell that right?) from American Idol. He was so cute, so short, and so shy! He sang "Oh, Holy Night" and another song with the brothers. I was able to chat with a couple of the boys after the show. This made us late for the train, and we missed it by a few minutes and had to wait another hour for the next one. We didn't get to bed until around 1:00am...way too late for us old folks!
Here is a photo from the show with David and some of the Osmond boys.

Monday, December 1, 2008


We had a great Thanksgiving! There were 12 of us there...Don, Sue, Brian, Jen, Liz, Nathan, Mike (Michael likes to be called Mike now), Megan, Scott, Jenalee, Eric, and Jen's sister Michelle. Jason and Tandi were in California visiting her family.

Megan blocking and Brian being tackled by his kids.
Don, Megan and Sue block the other team.

The kids had their own table with turkey plates to eat off of.