Sunday, July 27, 2008

Mormon Tabernacle Choir/Osmond Family Concert

We went to the Friday night performance of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Pioneer Day Commemoration Concert with their special guests, The Osmond Family. It was a great concert, and Pres. Monson was there!
The choir sang several songs, then the Osmonds came onstage and sang some of their hits. Then Marie sang "How Great Thou Art". The choir then sang some more songs, and soon the Osmonds were back onstage. They sang more of their hits, and then Donny sang a beautiful song titled "Whenever You're In Trouble". He told a story about his son being on a mission and needing his help, then how his parents were always there for him, and how the Savior is always there for us. Next they sang "Through the Years" and they were all crying by the end of the song. The televised broadcast of it live on Saturday showed even more emotions as they realized it was their last performance of their 50th anniversary tour. When they sang "Are You Up There/I Believe", they brought older brothers Tom and Virl up onstage to sign the songs. The family joined the choir at the end of the show singing "Come, Come Ye Saints" which has special meaning to those of the LDS faith about the Pioneers who came to the Salt Lake Valley. Be sure to catch this concert on the BYU channel when it is rebroadcast.
After the performance, as we were leaving, we stopped at the corner to wait for the signal. Merrill was in a car that turned the corner, so we were able to wave and say hi. It brought back a lot of fun memories.

Camping in July

We went up the Ogden Canyon to Pineview Reservoir and camped out for 5 days. It was nice because it is so close to home (about 15 minutes) so we could run back and forth as needed. It was nice and quiet there and we are ready to head back when it is a bit cooler.

Week with the Kids #4

Here are some photos of us at home watching movies, blowing bubbles, and talking to mom and dad on the phone.

Week with the Kids #3

More photos from the Dinosaur Park................

Grandkids for a Week #2

More pics at the Fire Station. Grandma and Aunt Jenalee took the kids to the Dinosaur Park.

Grandkids for a Week!

Don and I recently had the grandkids stay with us for a week. We had a great time, but man, were we tired every night! Here are some photos of us at the train museum and at the Fire Station.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

More Manti, Utah June 2008

Starting at the top:
Sue, Scott & Jenalee
Don & Sue with Yogi Bear
Sue cooking a marshmellow
Sue, Scott & Jenalee making s'mores
Scott & Jenalee in the trailer
Tandi & Jason in the trailer. Man, the air conditioning sure felt nice! Tandi taught us a fun new game called "Loot".

Manti, Utah June 2008

Here is Scott in the hamock outside our vintage 1976 Silver Streak trailer. Don has enjoyed restoring the trailer that belonged to his grandfather. It's really nice inside!